The benefit of Beijing Olympics

2008-11-09 13:28 阅读(?)评论(0)


The benefit of Beijing Olympics

      Someone may suspect whether Beijing Olympics is good for our country. But I think there is no denying that we will benefit a lot from Beijing Olympics.

      There is no doubt that holding the Olympics is of immense benefit to our country. We can see that China’s international reputation has been promoted. And during the Games, numerous tourists from all over the world came to China, which brought a lot of profits to our tourism. Furthermore, the Olympics make a rare opportunity for the world to understand the Chinese culture.

      As Wen Jiabao, Chinese Premier, says, Beijing Olympics would not only benefit the Games, but also benefit the whole city for a long time. In order to hold the Olympics, Beijing has made efforts to develop infrastructure, to build venues, to protect the environment, which can create good environment for the sustainable development of the city.

      On the other hand, we must realize the trouble that was left after the Games, such as the reuse of the stadiums, the problem of safety and so forth. But as long as we can deal with these problems properly, there is no trouble.

      All in all, Beijing Olympic Games can make good effects on our country. We should take advantage of it.

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