My ideal life

2008-12-07 14:24 阅读(?)评论(0)


My ideal life

      What is money? It is the right thing that you want. If I were a billionaire, what would I do? The question is the one that makes me thrilled.

      First, I would let myself live a better live, a admiring live. At that time, I would have no trouble on money, which means I could buy anything I want. Maybe I would have a villa at sea with wonderful scenery, which I want to look like Bill Gate’s. Besides, I would afford my global travel, as I am a fan of travel. life would be the best.

      Second, the truth is that most of people in our country are living in fight with poverty. One day, if I had plenty of money, I would do something benefit for them, which is my ideal. Nowadays, we can see many men of wealth contribute money to society. We should learn to take the responsibility of society. The more money you have, the more responsibilities you should shoulder. An opinion we should receive that our money comes from society, which should be paid to make contributions to our society.

      If I were a billionaire, I would…Coming to the real life, I know there is no piece of gold in my garden. Come on! My ideal life is standing there waiting for me.

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